DescriptionCultus is web portal project that is promoting online education. with blogs, news and useful links from the education industry
The e-learning portal established in 2013, was created to serve the community of educators and learners in their endeavours to find useful news, insights, product reviews, resources, events, training and consultation on education technology that will improve teaching, learning and education activities. The mission of Cultus is to enhance the relationship between the education and its consumers. At Cultus the readers can find reviews of the best products and technologies used in the field of education, as well as expert advice and training on how to use and implement them. Cultus is a community of synergistic partners like educational institutions, decision-makers, educators, learners, parents, education technology companies, developers, and many enthusiasts who can collaboratively reform the education technology adoption in a sustainable manner, so that is becoming crucial fuel in developing the nation for future. Cultus is here to assist its readers and members to find the best possible solutions to their education-technology points in a form of products, apps or technology, as well as to share knowledge on how to use them. It galvanizes the education-technology companies and developers to focus and build what educators need, by bridging the gap between the need of the educators and the developers. Since the education technology is the future of the education, Cultus aims at spreading awareness on online education by helping people understand the need and the role of the technology in education, by guiding them through its adoption and implementation, all in the direction of improving productivity and efficiency of the deliverables in the education. It enhances the relationship between technology and education leads, to achieve the best possible educational results. This is why Cultus: • curates and reviews various e-learning products, apps, tools, strategies and tips which ease out teaching, learning and other educational tasks; • provides news on technology products and tools for education, provides links to training to use them effectively; • helps you understand how technology is transforming education at colleges and universities across the globe by a cutting-edge research; • reviews and brings to you the educational practices from various universities and college, so that you can learn and implement the successful practices for your campuses; • shares insights on education technology, from various decision makers and teachers across the globe; • provides training and consultation for education adoption and implementation for the diverse educational needs or pain points; • organizes events, workshops, seminars, webinars and conferences related to education technology.
Our staff writes all the articles, news and reports. With a team working on continuous research, we diligently build a network of contributors, who may share their practices and reviews with the community. Apart from our team, Cultus is supported by the contributors like yourself, who believe in learning and sharing. Have fun and love your learning! The name of this web page online cultus is a combination of two words: online and cultus. Online (adj.): · controlled by or connected to a computer, · (of an activity or service) available on or performed using the Internet or other computer network: ex.online banking Cultus ( n.): · a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular thing · a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society In Latin cultus means education. The selection of this blended name for www.onlinecultus.com, comes from the fact that I sincerely want this site to grow into online place, which will be popular and relevant sources for online educational purposes, where everyone who wants to learn something new, to improve skills, to obtain educational degree or is interested in online education development, can find comprehensive sources from all variety of sources available online. The knowledge from the ancient civilizations, up to current new technological developments will be equally represented and available on your e-learning portal Cultus.
The e-learning portal established in 2013, was created to serve the community of educators and learners in their endeavours to find useful news, insights, product reviews, resources, events, training and consultation on education technology that will improve teaching, learning and education activities. The mission of Cultus is to enhance the relationship between the education and its consumers. At Cultus the readers can find reviews of the best products and technologies used in the field of education, as well as expert advice and training on how to use and implement them. Cultus is a community of synergistic partners like educational institutions, decision-makers, educators, learners, parents, education technology companies, developers, and many enthusiasts who can collaboratively reform the education technology adoption in a sustainable manner, so that is becoming crucial fuel in developing the nation for future. Cultus is here to assist its readers and members to find the best possible solutions to their education-technology points in a form of products, apps or technology, as well as to share knowledge on how to use them. It galvanizes the education-technology companies and developers to focus and build what educators need, by bridging the gap between the need of the educators and the developers. Since the education technology is the future of the education, Cultus aims at spreading awareness on online education by helping people understand the need and the role of the technology in education, by guiding them through its adoption and implementation, all in the direction of improving productivity and efficiency of the deliverables in the education. It enhances the relationship between technology and education leads, to achieve the best possible educational results. This is why Cultus: • curates and reviews various e-learning products, apps, tools, strategies and tips which ease out teaching, learning and other educational tasks; • provides news on technology products and tools for education, provides links to training to use them effectively; • helps you understand how technology is transforming education at colleges and universities across the globe by a cutting-edge research; • reviews and brings to you the educational practices from various universities and college, so that you can learn and implement the successful practices for your campuses; • shares insights on education technology, from various decision makers and teachers across the globe; • provides training and consultation for education adoption and implementation for the diverse educational needs or pain points; • organizes events, workshops, seminars, webinars and conferences related to education technology.
Our staff writes all the articles, news and reports. With a team working on continuous research, we diligently build a network of contributors, who may share their practices and reviews with the community. Apart from our team, Cultus is supported by the contributors like yourself, who believe in learning and sharing. Have fun and love your learning! The name of this web page online cultus is a combination of two words: online and cultus. Online (adj.): · controlled by or connected to a computer, · (of an activity or service) available on or performed using the Internet or other computer network: ex.online banking Cultus ( n.): · a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular thing · a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society In Latin cultus means education. The selection of this blended name for www.onlinecultus.com, comes from the fact that I sincerely want this site to grow into online place, which will be popular and relevant sources for online educational purposes, where everyone who wants to learn something new, to improve skills, to obtain educational degree or is interested in online education development, can find comprehensive sources from all variety of sources available online. The knowledge from the ancient civilizations, up to current new technological developments will be equally represented and available on your e-learning portal Cultus.
Organization Type
CitySkopje, Bulevar Jane Sandanski 90, 3/8 Google map
www.onlinecultus.com pages for promotion
upgrading Cultus to news aggregator