Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 11:00 - 13:00
- Friday 13:30 - 15:30

DescriptionSoftech was established in 1990 as a modern and dynamic company dealing with computer-assisted techniques and equipment. Main goal of the company is to provide excellent service with high quality in the sphere of IT. The company employs range of experienced experts and specialists working in various spheres of HW and SW, Internet and communication technology. Employees of our company offer their knowledge of technology and also knowledge of implementing information systems. Subject of Enterprise: - Production, installation and repairing of electronic equipment- Providing telecommunication services - Setting up, assembly, maintaining and service of telecommunication equipment- Providing software - Conducting accounting procedures - Purchasing goods and its immediate selling, sale - Training activities
Organization Type
CountryCzech Republic
CityPilsen, Denisovo nábřeží 6 Google map
System for electronical monitoring of bee colonies
Complete system for electronical monitoring of bee colonies – IoT Devices (scales, thermometers, GPS trackers, cameras, acoustic devices) with inteligent web portal for beekeepers (until now only in Czech - www.probee.cz)
Preview of all offered services at www.softech.cz/services-portfolio
Partner search
We are looking for partner for:
- developing of our projects in Microsoft .NET environment
- testing and next technical developing of our technologies for electronical monitoring of bees in Balcan countries