Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 11:00 - 13:00
- Friday 13:30 - 15:30
Solenet combines advantages of SaaS, RAD and Low-code development • it is already deployed on Solenet server (no need for deployment and maintenance) • more than 90% is a no-code development and it is very easy to adopt by business people with basic knowledge in software architecture with a one-day training • Code editor enables developing tailored-made complicated apps (ERP, CRM, DMS etc). It enables execution of custom code as an internal procedure in our server and desktop app. Also, it enables integration with any external REST or database server.
Solenet revolutionary improves SDLC – eliminates 2 of 6 phases (deployment and maintenance), double speeds-up design, 30x speeds-up development and testing, and introduces Nonlinear Software Engineering Paradigm in software development process which means that phase 1 (gathering requirements and business analyses), phase 2 (design) and phases 3+4 (development and testing) can be executed as parallel processes.
We offer partnership to outsourcing software development compnaies
We offer life-time licence in our SaaS platform that enables building tailored-made or Out-of-the-Box software apps for your clients. Our platform 10x speeds up software development process and eliminates deployment and maintenance from SDLC.
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
- Sales / Distribution

We request funding for equity or royalty
We offer equity or royalty fee for investment in our company.
Our company is developing next driving innovation in software industry.
Fast growing market, unique business model with two-sided benefits (free life-time license and 10x increase in productivity for software companies and much affordable price for building tailored-made app for final customers), cutting age technologies and Unique On-Time SaaS solution with potential to grow up in First On-Line Social Business Network are guaranties for strong growth of Solenet in the next 5 years. We see our company in top 100 growing business globally in the next 5 years.
- Investment/Financing