Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 11:00 - 13:00
- Friday 13:30 - 15:30
DescriptionYouth business forum is non-governmental organization led by young motivated people. Our main goal is to connect state institutions, companies, academia and young people in order to become a main platform for development of youth entrepreneurship in Serbia.
We successfully conducted 5 project in cooperation with donors such as Development agency of Serbia, Ministry of youth and sports and USAID Serbia.
Through our work, we organized 2 fairs, 25 trainings and workshops in 19 different cities in Serbia, and cooperated with 30 companies, 20 institutions and state representatives, 100 entrepreneurs and 7000 young people.
Our work was recognized by European Commision who awarded the project for the “Best national project for promoting entrepreneurship in 2017.”.
Organization Type
CityBelgrade, Vojvode Stepe 477 Google map
Investment for new educational programs for startups